An introduction to Vue, and why it is cool

Vue, also known as Vue.js, is a JavaScript framework. Vue is mainly used to build User Interfaces (UIs) and Single page applications (SPA). Vue is very well known as a framework that is very easy to learn. With knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, one can start building web app applications immediately.

This article will deal with an introduction to the Vue framework. What is Vue, how does it work, and what are the main pros and cons?

What is Vue

As aforementioned, Vue is a JavaScript framework. It entitles easy development for UIs and SPAs. Using SPAs, it is possible to develop a responsive and active user experience by loading a single HTML page that is being changed dynamically when the user interacts.

The developer of Vue is Evan You, and it was launched back in 2014. Evan worked for Google on Angular-based projects and was familiar with the React framework.
Evan had built the framework by taking the best ingredients of both Angular and React and adding some unique additions to it.

How does Vue work

An application built in the Vue framework consists of a root Vue instance. These root Vue instances can be enriched with Vue components. These components are loosely coupled and therefore increase code reusability. Code reusability, in turn, improves testability and decreases development time. A fully completed application can be created by iteratively extending the root instance with various components.


The biggest competitors of Vue are Angular and React. However, Vue almost has 200k amount of stars on Github, while Angular and React have 82k and 192k, respectively. The community of Vue is smaller compared to that of the React framework, which makes the number of stars of Vue even more.

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